• Bob Ross was a famous painter
  • He even had his own show
  • Learn more about his life and career in memoriam 

Bob Ross was born on October 29, 1942, and unfortunately passed away on July 4, 1995, in Orlando, Florida, at the age of 52. He developed a taste for painting after being part of an art class at the Anchorage U.S.O club and the rest is history. He created the educational show The Joy of Painting, which aired from 1983 to 1994 on PBS.

It's been over 25 years since his death due to complications from lymphoma, but Bob Ross's legacy continues. Ross became part of pop culture and has appeared on numerous TV shows like Family Guy, and The Boondocks, among others. You can even watch some of his show's episodes on YouTube!

The Joy of Painting: The Bob Ross dream is still alive

Best known for using a wet-on-wet oil technique and having big influences like German painter Bill Alexander, the Bob Ross dream has been kept alive for many years, as he was not only a very talented painter but also an amazing human being who always promoted positive thoughts.

In case you need some art inspiration, you can follow his official Instagram account where you can not only find some of his most famous works but also some of his most popular inspirational quotes!

Quick facts about Bob Ross

  • He was a big fan of country music!
  • Had one son named Robert who actually appeared in The Joy of Painting
  • In 2016 his show Beauty is Everywhere premiered on Netflix
  • He was a philanthropist and gave away every painting he made to charity auctions
  • Trademarks: his soft voice, beard, and casual on-screen outfits consisting of jeans and shirts!

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