BBC's crime drama television series Peaky Blinders is certainly one of the greatest shows from the past years. Set in Birmingham, England, it revolves around the exploits of the Shelby crime family following the First World War. The series is based on the real Peaky Blinders, a 19th century urban street gang that emerged from the harsh economic deprivations of British working class, mostly composed by unemplyed men who acquire social power and recognition due to a series of violent acts, robbery, and gambling. 

The 2013 television show is quite fascinating not only because of its premise and its accurate depiction of the 19th England, but also because of the fabulous actors who star in it, like Paul Anderson who plays the role of "Arthur Shelby Jr.", the eldest of the Shelby siblings and one of the toughest members of the gang, Anderson rose to fame for his portrayal of one of the funniest yet violent characters in the show, but what did he actually do before Peaky BlindersLet's have a look at his life before fame.

What did Paul Anderson do before being cast in Peaky Blinders?

Peaky Blinders premiered only 6 years ago, but it was actually in 2000 when Paul Anderson began to build his acting career and decided to enroll at the Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art in London. This gave him the opportunity to start performing in theatre and later on he starred in the legendary BBC science fiction programme Doctor Who in 2005, however, his major breakthrough is considered to be his appearance in the 2009, The Firm

As of today Paul Anderson has been part of the cast of very exciting projects like the 2011 mystery action film Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows where he played "Colonel Sebastian Moran," as well as the 2015 survival drama western film The Revenant, alongside Leonardo DiCaprio, and most recently the 2018 action-adventure film Robin Hood. 

Five quick facts about the Peaky Blinders star Paul Anderson

-The 41 year-old-actor was born in South London 

-His character in Peaky Blinders is a quite violent one, but Paul Anderson has said that "it is a pleasure to play 'Arthur Shelby.' Much better than playing the nice guy."

-At some point when he was younger, he worked as a ticket scalper 

-Before pursuing his career as an actor he actually wanted to be a musician

-He is very active on social media. And we all have to admit that his Instagram posts are always so cool!

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