Naomie Harris says an actor sexually assaulted her but got away with it because of his star status. It's an all-too-familiar story, and the English actress opened up about her experience in a new interview.

Naomie Harris says "huge star" assaulted her in an audition

Harris told the Daily Mail of the time a big-name actor "slid his hand up her skirt" during a read-through.

She didn't name names, but she recalled how multiple authority figures observed the disturbing incident and did nothing about it.

Harris said: "What was so shocking about it was the casting director was there and the director, and of course no one said anything because he was – he is – such a huge star."

Despite the violating moment, the James Bond actress noted that she feels "very lucky" because it is the "only #MeToo incident" in her career.

Harris, 45, has been acting in film and TV since the late 1980s. It's unclear if she acted in the project after she was assaulted during the audition.

Harris also believes the industry has changed for the better in the aftermath of #MeToo. She even witnessed a perpetrator "immediately removed" after inappropriate behaviour on a recent project, she told the Daily Mail.

Harris has had dozens of screen roles on British television and in big movies like Pirates of the Caribbean, Miami Vice, and Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom. She'll next star in the American TV series The Man Who Fell to Earth.