• Royalty has strict guidelines for marriage
  • Some standards are outdated
  • These were the potential picks for Charles

Picking a royal wife is complicated

The royal family is a very strict, traditional institution with rules that could be considered not so appropriate nowadays. We speak of course of the notion that an heir to the throne, as was the case with the then Prince Charles, should marry a young, royal, virgin woman.

All these qualities are what made Princess Diana an ideal candidate for the royal institution, but as time would tell, she was not right for the King himself.

Charles had several potential wives

Princess Caroline of Monaco: It was rumoured mainly by the press that the Princess of Monaco was being considered, although they never had a romantic relationship.

Archduchess Marie-Astrid of Austria: A nurse whose marriage speculation circa 1977 was reported by the 'Daily Express'.

Princess Olga Andreevna Romanoff of Russia: it was reported by 'Daily Mirror' in 2019 that she was considered for her closeness, being the third cousin of the King.

Jane Wellesley, daughter of the Duke of Wellington: Charles dated Wellesley from 1973 to 1974, but Wellesley did not want the title of queen.

Amanda Knatchbull, granddaughter of Charles' godfather, Lord Mountbatten: Charles proposed to her in 1980, but Knatchbull had no interest in media attention.

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Davina Sheffield: Considered one of the best candidates, Charles persisted in having a date with her until she agreed. Their relationship ended when the media reported that she was not a virgin.

Sarah Spencer, Diana's older sister: Of course lastly, it is known that Charles dated Diana's older sister before finally marrying the younger Spencer.