• Prince Charles and Camilla's affair is infamous
  • But what really happened between Camilla and Princess Diana?
  • Learn the truth about this love triangle in our video

The rocky relationship between Princess Diana and Prince Charles is one of the main themes in season 4 of the Netflix series: The Crown. This has sparked many people's interest in either learning about or going back and revisiting this unfortunate situation.

This Is What Actually Happened Between Princess Diana And Camilla

Before the marriage of Camilla and Andrew Parker Bowles, Charles is said to have had several affairs with her prior to dating Diana. In simpler terms, the Prince had always had his eye on Camilla.

Things You Didn't Know About Princess Diana and Camilla's Case

Even after Diana and Charles had secured their relationship, the current Duchess would remain close. Going as far as acting like an older sister to Diana, helping reassure her at public events and stay calm in front of the press.

Also interesting:

Princess Diana "would have made the most magnificent grandmother"

How Well Do You Know The People's Princess?

What was Diana's job before she married Prince Charles?

Want to learn more interesting facts about this love triangle? Watch the video above!