Despite his unfortunate passing in 2013, Paul Walker remains an important part of Fast & Furious history. Recently, Walker's friend and former co-star Vin Diesel explained why he feels that the actor "sent him" the villain of the saga's ninth installment.

Diesel said he felt that Walker's soul had told him that John Cena was the perfect actor to play "Dominic Toretto's" new nemesis— his brother "Jakob". "And I remember John coming in and… call this crazy, but I remember feeling as though Pablo, Paul Walker, had sent him in," the actor recalled.

Find out more about Vin Diesel deciding to cast John Cena in the upcoming Fast & Furious movie in the video below!

Fast And Furious 9: Vin Diesel Says Late Co-Star Sent John Cena

Fast And Furious 9: Vin Diesel Says Late Co-Star Sent John Cena