• Richard Gere is an acting legend
  • Few stars can match his career
  • Look back at Richard's work in our video!

Richard Gere's career is full of great movies, award wins, and even a few TV roles. It all began for him in the 1970s before he landed several breakthrough roles in '80s movies like American Gigolo and An Officer and a Gentleman.

Don't You Just Love Richard Gere Movies?

Richard Gere truly arrived on the Hollywood scene in the '80s and he's been one of the most popular stars ever since. The Pretty Woman actor is now in his 70s, and he's still a silver fox today.

Richard Gere's Impressive Career

Also interesting:

Watch the video above for a look back at Richard Gere's impressive career. From his early projects in the '80s through favourites like Pretty Woman and his life today.