Jess and Dom featured in the third season of Love Island in 2017. Now the couple are married and have finally had their first child together. However as always there has been some criticism from the public.

Criticism toward Jess Shears

Jess took to Instagram to defend herself as she received some negative comments from her online followers for returning to the gym following the birth of her first child.

She wrote: "Can people stop assuming they know anything about the birth of our child."

"Just because we chose to share an image yesterday does not mean that's when they were born."

She finished her message: "Dom, baby and I are happy, healthy and recovering at our own rate."

It also seems the couple are trying to hide the identity of the child, not taking any photos of the child's face and not giving the baby's name to the press or mentioning the name in any of their Instagram posts. However, the new family of three seem to be very happy and enjoying the first few weeks together! We wish them all the best.