• Russell Crowe has a painful story about shooting 'Robin Hood'
  • The actor broke his legs during a stunt
  • THIS is how he it all breaks down

Despite a lukewarm reception and a modest 59% 'Rotten Tomatoes' score, Crowe's behind-the-scenes heroics, including powering through a serious leg injury, remind us why he's one of Tinseltown's most enduring badasses.

What a moment in ouch!

Russell Crowe is no stranger to the highs and lows of Hollywood, but his latest flick 'Land of Bad' is facing a tough crowd, pulling in just a fraction of its budget in its opening weekend. Yet, for Crowe, it's not about the numbers; it's about the grit. And boy, does he have a story to tell!

During an eye-opening chat with 'People' magazine, Crowe revealed a jaw-dropping incident from his 'Robin Hood' days. Imagine this: he leaps, feels an "electric shock," and bam!—broken legs. But does he stop? No way! He marches on, because that's what legends do.

You might wonder, how did he even know his legs were broken if he skipped the doc? Well, Crowe's not your average Joe. He waited ten whole years before getting checked out. Talk about dedication to the craft!

Remember when Crowe's 'Robin Hood' accent chatter overshadowed his performance? Well, it's time to rethink that. The man broke his legs for the role, and all we talked about was his accent? Time to say sorry, folks.

Also interesting:

Cast your mind back to the COVID-19 cinema shutdown. Only one man dared to release a new movie—Russell Crowe with 'Unhinged.' And, oh, did he sell it with a trailer that scoffed at cinema as mere art. He promised vehicular chaos, and we were hooked.

So, 'Land of Bad' might not be your first movie choice, but think about it. What if Crowe endured even more for this role? A snapped collarbone, perhaps? We may not find out until he next visits a doctor, but one thing's for sure—we owe it to Russell Crowe to find out.