• Is Hailey Bieber pregnant?
  • Justin Bieber's wife speaks up 
  • Find out what she said here

There are endless rumors about Hailey Bieber being pregnant. What could be the reason behind this?

This might be due to her choice of loose-fitting clothing, as well as the observations of some regarding a potential baby bump. Furthermore, her husband, Justin Bieber, has expressed his desire to have children.

Hailey Bieber talks about baby rumors

However, the rumors have consistently been proven false. In a recent interview with 'GQ,' Hailey addressed the topic and shared her thoughts:

"There is something that’s disheartening about, Damn, I can’t be bloated one time and not be pregnant? It would be a lie if I was like, ‘Oh, yeah, I don’t give a sh*t.'"

So pregnancy rumors do bother Hailey. But what will happen when she really is expecting a child?

Also interesting:

At one point she considered wanting to raise her children out of the public eye.

Hailey acknowledges that her marriage to Justin Bieber has brought a lot of changes and being in the spotlight will be unavoidable.

She adds that motherhood is something the 26-year-old is looking forward to:

"It’s also such a private, intimate thing. It’s something that’s going to come when it comes. And it’s just, honestly, at the end of the day, so hilarious how much people f*king care. Let me do what I want to do with my body and you guys can do what you want to do with your body—and let’s just let it be that."

She finished by saying that the internet will be the last to know about it when she gets pregnant.