• Malia Obama is the daughter of American president Barack Obama
  • She is making a new foray into Hollywood
  • Malia has changed her name to do so

Fans were stunned to see Malia Ann in the Sundance Institute's "Meet the Artist" video, signaling a fresh start independent of her influential family's legacy.

Hollywood's Newest Enigma: Malia Ann!

In a bold move that's got tongues wagging, Malia Obama is ditching the weight of her presidential last name for something a little more... incognito! That's right, folks, the former First Daughter is now officially Malia Ann on the Hollywood scene, and the buzz is unstoppable!

At the glitzy Sundance Film Festival, all eyes were on Malia—sorry, Malia Ann—as she dazzled on the red carpet without the Obama entourage. Her parents, Barack and Michelle, may be big shots with their Higher Ground Productions, but this time, it's all about Malia Ann's solo flight to stardom.

Describing her project, "The Heart," as a quirky fable, Malia Ann is showing she's got the chops to spin a tale that's all her own.

Also interesting:

The film, about a son's unique journey of grief and fulfillment, has already got critics and fans alike eager for a glimpse of her storytelling magic.

Malia Obama, now Malia Ann, makes waves in Hollywood with her film 'The Heart,' stepping out from her parents' shadow at the Sundance Film Festival.