• Celebrities have families too
  • Some are related to each other
  • These celebs have talent in the family

Although this isn't always true, even if they are siblings, usually, the families of celebrities are not as popular as the celebrity with whom the comparison is being made, and the press don't pay too much attention to them. That being said, here are some celebrity pairings who are actually related through family.

It seems that talent really runs in the family

Here's an interesting family: Justin Bieber, Avril Lavigne, and Ryan Gosling are cousins. It appears that Bieber himself made the discovery when he was digging through his old family tree!

Also interesting:

What about these ones? Elle and Dakota Fanning may have some blue blood in their veins, as they are cousins with Princess Kate Middleton. Julia and Emma Roberts are very obviously related in name, however not everyone knows that Emma is actually Julia's niece...

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