Neil Diamond sang "Sweet Caroline" for his Twitter followers during the self-quarantine period. But for this special performance, Diamond altered a few of the song's lyrics to make them appropriate for the current social distancing period. Hear the new version of Neil Diamond's classic 1969 song below.

Neil Diamond's "Sweet Caroline" live (social distancing version!)

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Neil Diamond songs: "Sweet Caroline" (1969)

For this new version of "Sweet Caroline," Diamond targeted the pre-chorus for a rewrite. Usually, the lyrics go "Hands, touching hands. Reaching out, touching me, touching you." But to promote health-conscious behaviour amid the coronavirus outbreak, Diamond instead sings: "Hands, washing hands. Reaching out, don't touch me."

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Neil Diamond at age 79

Neil Diamond and his fans had fun with the rewrite of the popular song. But Diamond also had a meaningful message to go with the song.

"Hi everybody. This is Neil Diamond. I know we're going through a tough time right now. But I love ya, and I think maybe if we sing together, well, we'll just feel a little bit better. Give it a try."

Diamond last released a new album in 2014. Melody Road was the 32nd album in his career.