• New rules in the Palace are announced
  • King Charles has slimmed down his Counselors
  • His son Harry loses THIS important role

Since taking office as head of the British royal family, King Charles III has made a number of changes that point to a streamlining of the monarchy. The monarch has apparently carried out a significant but largely unnoticed restructuring - affecting his son Prince Harry of all people.

This has signs of a cold war

As part of the Counsellors of State Act, which came into force in November 2022, the King has appointed his siblings Princess Anne and Prince Edward as his official representatives. This appointment makes them Counsellors of State, who are authorized to assume royal duties in the absence of the monarch.

Also interesting:

The list of Counsellors of State traditionally included the monarch's spouse and the next four heirs to the throne who had reached the age of 21. For the heir to the throne himself, the age of 18 is sufficient...

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