• Princess Eugenie champions the fight against modern slavery
  • She was supported by her sister, Prince Beatrice
  • At Davos Switzerland

In the glitzy Swiss town of Davos, where the world's elite converge to shape global, regional, and industry agendas, a royal voice echoed through the halls of power. Princess Eugenie (33), the passionate philanthropist and mum-of-two, took to the stage, advocating fiercely against modern slavery. With her sister, Princess Beatrice (35), in the audience, the royal duo showcased their unyielding commitment to a cause that's shaking the world to its core.

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The Anti-Slavery Collective, co-founded by Eugenie and her best friend Julia de Boinville in 2017, has been a beacon of hope in the dark world of human trafficking. "Guns and drugs can be only trafficked once, but human beings are trafficked again and again and again," Eugenie proclaimed, her words resonating with the urgency of the issue.

Eugenie's ally in this noble fight, former British Prime Minister Theresa May, stood by her side, lending gravitas to the event. May, who leads the Global Commission on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking, praised Eugenie's dedication, having appeared on the princess's podcast series Floodlight. The talk, which took place at Goals House during the kickoff of the World Economic Forum, highlighted the critical role of business and government in eradicating this heinous crime.

On maternity leave with her second son Ernest, born just last May, Eugenie revealed her new role on the Goals House Advisory Board, proving that her commitment to change doesn't pause for personal milestones. Goals House, a hub for change-makers, aligns perfectly with Eugenie's mission to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Eugenie leads anti-trafficking talk at WEF, supported by sister Beatrice

As the World Economic Forum continues, Eugenie will lead a pivotal discussion on trafficking and modern slavery in Europe, sharing her insights and calling on leaders to step up. Meanwhile, Princess Beatrice, a WEF regular and tech VP, supports her sister's cause, emphasizing the power of partnership and strategy.

The royal sisters, joined by their husbands and the Duke and Duchess of York, recently celebrated Christmas in Sandringham, followed by a sun-soaked family getaway in Jamaica. But it's not all about festive cheer; Eugenie balances her royal duties with a full-time director role at the prestigious art gallery, Hauser & Wirth.

Stay tuned as these royal sisters continue to make headlines, not just for their regal charm, but for their unwavering fight against the shadows that plague our society. Princess Eugenie, a true modern-day heroine, is a royal force to be reckoned with!