• Forbidden love of royalty: the most scandalous secrets of the palace
  • From clandestine romances to dream weddings: the love stories of Kings and Queens
  • Actresses steal their hearts

Royalty has always been embroiled in intrigue, mystery, and scandal. One of the most recurring themes in the life of members of the monarchy is forbidden love.

The forbidden love affairs of royals have been a source of inspiration for poets, novelists, and filmmakers for centuries. From the unbridled passions of Cleopatra and Mark Antony to the modern stories of European Princes and Princesses, these relationships have left an indelible mark on history and the popular imagination.

Meghan Markle

Royalty and Hollywood have more overlap than you might imagine, and sometimes that overlap leads to love affairs. Some Princes even had lifelong marriages with actresses! 

Also Interesting:

Princess Diana breaks a sugar glass bottle over her husband's head at Pinewood Studios to watch the making of the latest James Bond films on 11 December 1986.

Do you know?

True or false? The divorce of Lady Diana and Prince Charles was the first divorce in the British Royal family.

Watch the video to see all the Princes who fell in love with famous actresses!