• NCIS: L.A. was canceled recently
  • Many actors have been publicly grieving
  • LL Cool J already has a new offer on the table

All great things must come to an end. And now it is time for the cast of NCIS: LA to say goodbye to their millions of adoring fans all over the world. LL Cool J was recently approached by Entertainment Tonight where he was asked about the show coming to its conclusion and how he felt about it all.

You can't keep a star out of of the spotlight!

It was revealed that an interesting possibility suddenly arose for him, because NCIS: Hawaii star Vanessa Lachey invited LL to guest star on her series. This would open the door for a further storyline with "Hanna" on TV. What does the rapper and actor say to that?

Also interesting:

LL Cool J and Chris O'Donnell star in 'NCIS: L.A.'.

A real hip-hop legend!

LL Cool J's Career Then & Now

"I'll definitely keep that invitation in mind, Vanessa, and you never know. We'll see what happens. Maybe I'll come play a little bit, we'll see. Anything is possible", said Cool J.

Watch the video above to learn more!