• 'Fixer Upper' was a hit show
  • What happened to the houses after filming?
  • The answer may surprise you!

What happens to the houses after 'Fixer Upper' airs?

In fact, according to the US magazine 'The List', many of the homes renovated at 'Fixer Upper' were subsequently sold by the owners. One that did not meet this fate is the "Mid-Century Modern Home" from season two.

This fan favourite still belongs to Jill and Josh, who viewers met in the series. However, the two owners do not live in it. Much to the delight of 'Fixer Upper' fans, anyone can rent the Texas-based house for a holiday.

Also available on Airbnb are the "Three Little Pigs House" from Season 3, the "Barndominium" also from Season 3, and the "Pickly Pear House". If you want to get fancy, you can also stay in the houseboat "Double Decker House" from the fourth season, which still belongs to Brett Swartz, a friend of the Gaines'.

Also Interesting:

If you're a particularly big fan of 'Fixer Upper', you should keep your eyes peeled for houses for sale every now and then. In 2017, for example, Dean and Brittany Wixsom's "Pick A Door House" from season 4 was sold for $565,000 USD. A bargain!