• Harry and Meghan's photo to be displayed at the National Gallery
  • The picture was taken after leaving royal roles
  • The photographer is a close friend of the couple 

In a move that's got everyone talking, Misan Harriman, a close confidant of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, took to social media to share news that's nothing short of historic. His stunning photograph of the couple, known for breaking boundaries and making waves, has now been etched into the annals of history at the National Portrait Gallery. "Dare to dream folks!" exclaimed an ecstatic Harriman, as he shared the news with the world.

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Fans go wild

The reaction was instantaneous. Fans and followers poured in their congratulations, praising Harriman for his remarkable achievement and the role he's played in capturing the essence of Harry and Meghan's journey. "You’re a wonderful role model," commented one admirer, highlighting the photographer's dedication to equality, equity, and integrity. It's clear that Harriman's work resonates with many, symbolizing hard work, perseverance, and the power of following one's passion.

More than just a picture

But Harriman's connection to the Sussexes goes beyond professional. Not only has he captured key moments in their lives, including the first image of their daughter, Princess Lilibet, but he also shares a personal bond with the couple. In a revelation to British Vogue, Harriman disclosed how a chance introduction he facilitated years ago played a part in Meghan meeting Prince Harry. "I'm grateful for whatever small part I played," he humbly stated.

This latest accolade is a testament to the enduring friendship and mutual respect between Harriman and the royal couple. From capturing Meghan's second pregnancy announcement to documenting their appearances at significant events, Harriman's lens has been a window into the Sussexes' world, offering glimpses of their life and love.

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