• Princess Anne reunited with Crown Prince Haakon
  • During Anne's Norway trip
  • Haakon is her godson

When royalty meets, the world watches! Princess Anne, the epitome of elegance in her blue patterned dress, and Crown Prince Haakon, the future king of Norway, gave us major #FamilyGoals as they exchanged a cheek kiss at the Norwegian Resistance Museum. It wasn't just any meeting; it was a reunion steeped in history and familial bonds.

Also interesting:

A plaque, A promise!

The highlight? Unveiling a plaque that commemorates the intelligence cooperation between the UK and Norway during World War II. This gesture wasn't just about remembering the past; it was a promise of unity and friendship, a testament to their nations' intertwined destinies.


Princess Anne's trip was a whirlwind of engagements, from stepping out at the Industrial Workers Museum to laying a wreath at the Commonwealth War Graves. Each stop was a chapter in her book of dedication, culminating in a reception with the British Ambassador. Talk about royal duties done right!

Godparents and grand gestures

Did you know? Crown Prince Haakon boasts a godparent roster that's basically a who's who of royalty, with Princess Anne shining brightly among them. Their bond isn't just about the titles; it's a lifelong connection that has seen them through state visits and significant milestones.

The British and Norwegian royal families share more than just friendship; they're connected through Queen Maud of Norway, linking them to the late Queen Elizabeth II. It's a family tree that's as complex as it is fascinating, proving that royal relations go beyond mere state affairs.

More about Princess Anne: