Yes, Bernie Sanders has seen your memes photoshopping his inauguration picture into any and every setting imaginable. 

This week, a picture of Sanders isolated and dressed in heavy winter wear at President Joe Biden's inauguration was one of the biggest stories on a historic day full of headlines. The U.S. Senator has since joined Seth Meyers for an interview, where he had a laugh about the pictures and reacted to a few memes.

How Bernie Sanders feels about inauguration picture memes

In the interview, Meyers joked: "It will not surprise you to know that I was aware you were at the inauguration," to which Sanders laughed in response, "I heard about that." The Late Night host then described him as "one of the stars" of the day and asked if he was aware of the online popularity of his appearance at the time.

Bernie Sanders On Inauguration Picture Memes

"Not at all," Sanders explained. "I was just sitting there, trying to keep warm, trying to pay attention to what was going on." But as for the memes, Sanders said, "Yeah, I've seen them," chuckling as Meyers presented an image of the politician photoshopped next to the Sex and the City cast.

Bernie also gave a shoutout to the woman who made his flashy mittens, which have become a trend in and of themselves. She "lives in Essex Junction, Vermont," he said. "She is a schoolteacher and is a very, very nice person. And she has been somewhat overwhelmed by the kind of attention to her mittens."

Interview: Bernie Sanders reacts to Forrest Gump meme

To close the interview, Meyers wanted a reaction from Sanders on his favourite meme, showing the Senator from Vermont seated next to Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump. The image once again got a laugh from Sanders.

On a more serious note, Sanders shared his feelings on witnessing the inauguration events of this past week. He said: "I am feeling great. I was almost in tears—I was at the inauguration yesterday—and I was in tears seeing the new president getting sworn in and the old president leaving Washington."

Meanwhile, another trending moment of the day included fans spotting a photo of Prince Harry in the background of Joe Biden's visit to the Arlington National Cemetery.

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