• Jimmy Kimmel hit Donald Trump hard
  • The two are engaged in a big fight now
  • THIS is the latest chapter

In an epic clash of titans, Jimmy Kimmel finds himself in the crosshairs of none other than the "Kentucky fried former president" Donald Trump. Following a day off from his criminal trial, Trump unleashed a scathing 165-word tirade against Kimmel, accusing him of a messing up during his stint as the Oscars host.

Kimmel vs Trump is heating up

It's definitely an ugly mix of politics and entertainment.

Trump, calling Kimmel "stupid," blasted the comedian for his general performance as host of the Academy Awards in March and specifically for having read aloud, from the stage, Trump’s mid-show social media post criticizing how he was doing. Then Trump claimed that Kimmel had read out the post "right before he stumbled through announcing the biggest award of all, ‘Picture of the Year.’"

Trump continued: "It was a CLASSIC CHOKE, one of the biggest ever in show business, and to top it off, he forgot to say the famous and mandatory line, ‘AND THE WINNER IS.’ Instead he stammered around as he opened the envelope."

But Kimmel, with his trademark wit, fired back, debunking Trump's claims and even earning a defense from fellow late-night luminary Stephen Colbert. Dive into the drama of this late-night showdown that's got everyone talking!

"What a day this was," Jimmy Kimmel quipped, recounting the "tumultuous morning" that saw him at the receiving end of a Trump Twitter onslaught.

Trump's tirade, filled with inaccuracies and personal jabs, accused Kimmel of being the "WORST HOST EVER OF THE ONCE VAUNTED ACADEMY AWARDS."

But Kimmel, ever the comedian, couldn't help but marvel at Trump's correct spelling of "vaunted," while pointing out the rest was "maybe-we-should-take-the-keys-away-from-grandpa wrong."

Not one to take things lying down, Kimmel launched into a point-by-point takedown of Trump's post, noting that Oscar ratings had actually increased and humorously lamenting he wasn't, in fact, Al Pacino. Kimmel's response was peppered with zingers, including a cheeky nod to Trump's infamous "Say hello to my little friend" comment allegedly directed at Stormy Daniels.

The late-night host even teased a return as the Oscars host next year, suggesting Trump might catch it on the TV "in the rec room at Rikers."

In a show of late-night solidarity, Stephen Colbert jumped into the fray, defending Kimmel against Trump's "weird, little, wet mouth." Channeling Will Smith, Colbert's spirited defense underscored the camaraderie among late-night hosts, even as they stand in the line of Trump's Twitter fire.

Also interesting:

As the dust settles on this latest late-night skirmish, one thing's clear: when it comes to trading barbs with Trump, Kimmel and his cohorts are more than ready for the challenge. With humor, wit, and a dash of sarcasm, they prove that in the world of late-night TV, laughter truly is the best defense.