• Regina King recently lost her son
  • She had an emotional interview with Jimmy Kimmel
  • THIS is what happened

The Oscar-winning actress's candid conversation with host Jimmy Kimmel highlights the complexities of mourning and the power of honoring loved ones.

Regina opens up

In a raw and revealing interview, Regina King, the acclaimed star of 'Shirley', sat down with late-night maestro Jimmy Kimmel, and the result was nothing short of emotional alchemy. The air was thick with empathy as King, with grace and poise, delved into her world post-tragedy.

"Right now, I'm good," King declared, her smile a beacon of resilience in the face of unimaginable loss. Kimmel, visibly moved, offered a supportive hand—a simple gesture that spoke volumes.

In true Kimmel fashion, the host lightened the moment with a quip about William Shatner, proving once again that humor can be a salve even in the deepest wounds of the soul.

King's son Ian, a vibrant soul gone too soon, was remembered with love and honor. "He is always with me," King shared, her words a testament to a mother's eternal bond with her child.

Opening up about her shaken beliefs, King offered a raw glimpse into her heart, "That idea that what you put into it is what you get back... that’s not necessarily true." A powerful reminder that life's cruelties spare no one, not even the brightest of stars.

Also interesting:

King's poignant reminder that a smile doesn't always mean happiness resonated deeply, shedding light on the silent battles many face. Ian's joy and light live on, a legacy of love amidst the struggle.

Don't miss Regina King in 'Shirley', now streaming on Netflix, where her performance is as captivating as her spirit is indomitable.