Being one of the most famous faces in the world puts a lot of pressure on people, and this is something that has greatly impacted Lady Gaga throughout her career. Rising to prominence early last decade, Gaga has always been a controversial and attention-grabbing figure, with her bold political stances, and her over-the-top outfits that never cease to make headlines.

In recent years, she has attempted to transition away from her outrageously eccentric public image, to a more subdued type of artist. She has even ventured into the world of acting, and done so quite successfully. But some of her mental demons still haunt her even now. In the past, there were reports of Lady Gaga having horrific night terrors and panic attacks, even going as far as getting rid of all the mirrors in her house to expel bad energies!

It seems the popstar is now taking a more proactive approach to mental health by opening up about her struggles.

Lady Gaga Opens Up About Her Mental Problems

Lady Gaga Opens Up About Her Mental Problems

She is starring in the upcoming film House of Gucci, and apparently production took quite the toll on her. "I had some psychological difficulty at one point towards the end of filming," Gaga said. "I was either in my hotel room, living and speaking as Reggiani, or I was on set, living and speaking as her."

"I remember I went out into Italy one day with a hat on to take a walk. I hadn't taken a walk in about two months and I panicked," she said. "I thought I was on a movie set."

In recent years Gaga has become a strong advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, and mental health initiatives within that community. Let's hope she is able to find the help she needs to keep delighting her fans for many years to come!

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