• Michael Landon was a huge star from the 1960s through '80s
  • He had a tough time with journalists back in the day
  • The actor once complained about "nasty" articles

As "Charles Philip Ingalls," Michael Landon became a megastar on the classic series Little House on the Prairie.

But life as a TV celebrity also has its downsides. As Michael Landon told The Tonight Show in 1975, there were some journalists who wanted to "degrade" him.

"A lot of people like to write things that are not particularly nice," he told show host Johnny Carson.

Michael Landon recalled "nasty" attacks in the press

In general, Michael Landon said, "you don't mind" negative coverage, but: "When they make up stuff, you know, just to write something nasty…

"And then you sit down and you pick up a TV Guide and you read an article, and it’s absolutely nothing to do with it."

Also interesting:

Michael Landon found it "very sad" that some reporters wrote such things. But he had an explanation for the interest in such articles.

"I think that the general American public has a much better opinion of themselves, then, they have to sit and read magazine articles that degrade other people so that they can feel superior."

Landon was sure that was the real reason. "I know too many American people," he admitted sadly...

See more in the video above.