• Roman Polanski is an acclaimed director
  • He was accused of defamation
  • THIS is how it turned out

Lewis accused Polanski of raping her in the 1980s when she was just a teenager, sparking a legal battle that culminated in this controversial verdict. This article delves into the details of the case, the court's decision, and the reactions from both parties involved.

The Accusations and the Trial

In a decision that has sent shockwaves through the celebrity world, Roman Polanski, the legendary director behind classics such as 'Rosemary's Baby' and 'The Pianist,' has been acquitted of defaming Charlotte Lewis. The verdict, delivered in a Paris courtroom, has reignited discussions about Polanski's legal troubles and his history of sexual assault accusations.

Charlotte Lewis shocked the world when she accused Polanski of raping her in Paris back in the 1980s. According to Lewis, the incident occurred when she was only 16 years old, leading to years of silence before she bravely came forward.

Despite Polanski's absence from the trial, the proceedings drew significant media attention, with Lewis describing how she became the victim of a "smear campaign" that nearly destroyed her life.

Polanski, on the other hand, has consistently denied the allegations, referring to them as a "heinous lie" in a 2019 interview. The filmmaker, who has faced several other accusations of sexual assault, remains a controversial figure, especially given his fugitive status in the United States over the statutory rape of a 13-year-old in 1977.

The Paris criminal court's decision to acquit Polanski strictly pertains to the defamation charge and does not address the underlying rape accusation. This distinction is crucial, as it leaves the original allegations against Polanski unresolved in the eyes of many.

The verdict has elicited mixed reactions, with supporters of Lewis expressing disappointment and advocates for Polanski viewing it as a vindication. The case highlights the ongoing challenges victims face in seeking justice and the complex legal battles that can ensue when accusations from the past resurface.

The Roman Polanski defamation case against Charlotte Lewis has concluded with an acquittal, but the broader conversation about accountability, justice, and the treatment of sexual assault allegations in the celebrity world is far from over.

According to Paris Match, he pulled out a copy of a 1999 article in now-defunct British tabloid newspaper News of the World, and quoted Lewis as saying in it: "I wanted to be his lover."

Lewis has said the quotes attributed to her in that interview were not accurate.

She filed a complaint for defamation, and the film director was automatically charged under French law. Stuart White, who wrote the 1999 News of the World article to which Polanski referred, was also present in court.

"The interview I gave to Stuart White was not the interview that was in the newspaper," Lewis said, adding she discovered the article only years later.

White said he interviewed Lewis twice after the paper paid £30,000 for exclusive rights. He said she had agreed to a "vice girl" angle to the 1999 story, but said he could not remember if she had asked to approve the text before it was published.

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A massive case to say the least...

As society continues to grapple with these issues, the outcomes of such high-profile cases will undoubtedly play a significant role in shaping public opinion and legal precedent.