• Ty Pennington is a reality star
  • He recently went through a near-death experience
  • THIS is what Ty had to overcome

After a close brush with death, Pennington is back with a bang, ready to tackle new projects with a greater appreciation for every moment. Eight months ago, fans were holding their breath as Ty Pennington (59), the heartthrob of home renovation, faced a dire health crisis. But now, the HGTV legend is not only back on his feet—he's cracking jokes and planning his next big move!

"Loved to the Brink of Death!"

"I'm great," Ty told Entertainment Tonight with his trademark grin. "You know what's great is if you almost die, you get so much attention. It feels so nice to be that loved." Talk about a silver lining! Pennington's near-miss with the Grim Reaper has him basking in the love of fans worldwide.

In a candid Instagram post, Ty revealed the shocking truth behind his hospital dash. What he thought was a nagging sore throat turned out to be an abscess threatening to choke the life out of him. "Next thing I know, I was intubated and flown to the ICU in Denver," he shared alongside a chilling photo from his hospital bed.

Pennington's brush with mortality has lit a fire under him.

"It made me realize you just don't know when your timecard's gonna get pulled, so wake up, live every single day to the fullest," he declared with a newfound fervor. And live he shall, with the fifth season of "Rock the Block" promising to be the most explosive yet!

"I think this season could be the greatest season ever," Ty enthused, his eyes alight with competitive spirit. With four teams battling it out to leave their mark, Pennington's show is a testament to the power of design, determination, and a close encounter with death.

Also interesting:

As he gears up for a new decade, Ty Pennington is a man on a mission. With his health scare behind him, he's ready to tackle life with gusto, proving that not even a throat abscess can keep a good man down. Tune in to HGTV on Mondays at 9 p.m. ET to catch the indomitable spirit of Ty Pennington on "Rock the Block"!