While the world mourns with Chrissy Teigen and John Legend, fellow A-listers are also rallying around the couple to show support amid their devastating loss of their unborn son.

Posting their emotional loss on Instagram, Teigen and Legend are surrounded by support, both globally and locally.

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend surrounded by support

Early this week, Chrissy Teigen was hospitalized due to heavy bleeding and complications in her pregnancy, despite following bed rest orders. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worst on Wednesday night when the little baby was born still.

In their heartbreaking post, Teigen and Legend revealed that their baby would have been named Jack, and shared their intimate final moments with their little boy.

"We are shocked and in the kind of deep pain you only hear about, the kind of pain we've never felt before," she wrote.

"To our Jack – I'm so sorry that the first few moments of your life were met with so many complications, that we couldn't give you the home you need to survive. We will always love you," she continued on.

Later on in the evening, Teigen posted her traumatic drive home, writing on Twitter, "Driving home from the hospital with no baby. How can this be real?"

Stars were quick to show their support, offering a sense of community around the couple, in hopes to alleviate their grief-stricken moments.

"We love you guys so much and we will be here for whatever y'all need, Always," Gabrielle Union commented.

A long-time friend of the couple, Kim Kardashian also shared her condolences and wrote, "We're here for you and love you guys so much."

Sarah Paulson also took a moment to recognize their pain, writing, "There are no words that sufficiently express the sorrow of this heartbreaking loss... I am so sorry. Sending you all the love. All the prayers. All the light."

Teigen shared with her fans updates often about her pregnancy and shared it was so odd to her how much she was bleeding, as she was feeling well otherwise, and emotionally was in great moods most of the time.

Our hearts go out to this tremendous loss and we wish Teigen and Legend well during their grief. 


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