• Johnny Galecki is known from The Big Bang Theory
  • He was born to Richard and Mary Lou Galecki
  • This is Johnny Galecki's mother

Mary Lou Galecki — what a name! 

She's the mother of Johnny Galecki, the popular actor known from The Big Bang Theory and his career as a child star. Here's what you need to know about Johnny's mom.

Facts about Johnny Galecki's mother Mary Lou

Johnny Galecki's mother was born Mary Louise Noon in 1944, according to BHM.com. Known as "Mary Lou," she got married to Richard Galecki, a member of the U.S. Air Force. She gave birth to Johnny in Belgium because her husband was stationed there.

Johnny Galecki and his mother Mary Lou Galecki

The Galeckis later moved to the United States. After Johnny, Richard and Mary Lou also had a daughter named Allison and son named Nick. Sadly, the family lost father Richard in a car accident in 1991, leaving Mary Lou widowed.

Mary Lou Galecki had an impressive career as a mortgage consultant, according to Film Reference. She has also been a singer and amateur theatre actress.

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In interviews, Johnny Galecki has mentioned that he has Irish and Italian roots through his mother. And we occasionally see her pop up on her famous son's Instagram page to this day. Looks like she raised him well!

You can also meet TBBT star Jim Parsons' mom Judy here.