• Glen Powell is leaving Hollywood
  • Matthew McConaughey gave him THIS advice
  • The actor wants to shift priorities

Glen Powell is catching everyone off guard with his latest announcement – he's saying goodbye to the Hollywood Hills and hello to the Lone Star State! That's right, folks, at the height of his career, following a standout performance in "Top Gun: Maverick," Powell is making a move that's got everyone buzzing.

Family First

For Powell, it's all about getting back to his roots. "The perk of getting to this point in Hollywood is that I can now leave Hollywood," he shared with The Hollywood Reporter. It seems success has given him the golden ticket back to what matters most: family. Powell is eager to spend more quality time with his loved ones, a priority that's steering his journey back home.

In fact, spending time with family is one of the reasons he's relocating—along with finishing his college degree.

"I think it's really important to my mom and it's more of an emotional thing for me," Powell, who first left the University of Texas after his freshman year to pursue his career and is now only a few classes shy of graduating, told the outlet in a cover story released May 22. "Plus, I'm so close, I can taste it."

But wait, there's more! The actor is not just returning for familial bonding; he's also on a mission to wrap up his college degree. Leaving the University of Texas after his freshman year to chase his acting dreams, Powell is now "so close, I can taste it." It's not just about the diploma for him; it's a heartfelt goal, especially important to his mom and laden with emotional significance.

McConaughey's Sage Advice

And who else to give Powell the nudge he needed than fellow Texan and Hollywood heavyweight, Matthew McConaughey? The advice seems to be a guiding light for Powell, summing it up as more than just "alright, alright, alright." It's a stamp of approval from one of Texas' most beloved actors.

"He's like, 'Hollywood is the Matrix, man. You plug in and it's all fake world,'" Powell explained. "He's like, 'Then I go to Austin, and I unplug. It's all real. Those are my friends, that's my family, my actions matter there.' And he's right. If you're here, you live in the Matrix all the time, there's no separation of those worlds. And for me, especially as my parents get older and my niece and nephew are growing up, I want a separation of those worlds."

"The thing that makes me feel in conflict with some parts of this moment is that I like choosing when I'm out in front," the actor said. He is still keeping his New York home, explaining, "And I'm more than happy to be on a press tour. I love it. I love going on a Jimmy Fallon—you walk out, you sign autographs, you do the whole thing."

Also interesting:

As Powell charts this new course, the question on everyone's lips is: What's next for this rising star? With family time, academic pursuits, and the wisdom of McConaughey in his corner, it's clear Powell is ready for whatever comes his way.

That means, Texas, get ready, because Glen Powell is coming home!