At this time, it is understood that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are planning on having a private christening ceremony for baby Archie on July 6th at St. George's Chapel in Windsor. This location is very prestigious as the Duke and Duchess were married there last year as well as many official royal ceremonies are held there. 

"Double standards"

Royal author and Prince Harry's biographer, Penny Juror, "has accused the Duke and Duchess of double standards if the public are shunned from the ceremony," according to Express. She even went on to say that the couple "can't have it both ways" and that if they would like to have privacy, they need to pay for it themselves. 

Prince Harry, Duchess Meghan and Baby Sussex

Privacy is very important to Harry

After people found out that they paid millions for their home renovation, Meghan and Harry need to appease the public a bit and show Archie off. A friend of the Sussex's has commented on the importance of privacy for Prince Harry. "Privacy is more precious to Harry than to almost any of the other members of the Royal Family. As Archie is not an HRH he feels he has every right to strictly police his son's privacy," according to Express

Prince Harry, Duchess Meghan and Baby Sussex

This is a stark contrast to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge who allowed cameras into all three of their children's christenings. Royal fans were then able to see guests arriving for the event and get a glimpse at who the chosen godparents are. 

We will have to wait and see what happens this weekend as the Royal Palace has not confirmed these sources.