• Queen Máxima and Willem-Alexander are the monarchs of the Netherlands
  • Their love story is a highly unlikely one that materialized beautifully
  • She is the first foreign Queen in the country's history

It was hardly foreseeable that Máxima and Willem-Alexander would end up together. The future queen grew up in Argentina, and the then prince in the Netherlands. After their respective studies, they finally met each other by chance in 1999. At the time both, were in Spain. In Seville to be exact.

Also interesting:

These Royal Love Birds Are An Inspiration To All

Queen Maxima and Willem-Alexander's Love Story

When Willem-Alexander was invited there by some friends, Máxima was there too, and had a camera there with her. Willem recalls that: "...she walked in with a camera and I was like, 'Is it meant to be?' I saw the camera first, and her behind it, He said in an interview with Jeugdjournaal. But it wasn't love at first sight for Máxima, however... Watch the video above to learn more!