Duchess Meghan made an embarrassing but super sweet faux pas a few years ago! In autumn 2018, she and Prince Harry attended a charity performance of the musical Hamilton at the Victoria Palace Theater in London, and Meghan let slip a term of endearment for him!

Meghan accidentally calls Harry "my love"

Meghan and Harry's cute moment happened while they were taking a group photo with the musical's performers. While standing in front of Harry, Meghan wanted to ask her husband if he was able to see something as well. That was when her sweet nickname for her husband slipped out!

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"Can you see, my love?" Meghan asked in front of the actors assembled on stage and the cameras, her remark eliciting a delighted response. A cell phone camera captured the moment and created enthusiasm online. On the other hand, Meghan appeared visibly embarrassed when she realized what she had said!

Fortunately for Meghan, "my love" happens to be a relatively normal and widely used nickname. Other affectionate nicknames for the royals are far more fancy and embarrassing, as several members of the British royal family have demonstrated!