• Exciting news for 'NCIS' fans
  • "Ziva" and "Tony" get a spin-off
  • They'll be in Europe

The 'NCIS' universe is expanding, and fans are thrilled! CBS Studios has officially announced a new spin-off reuniting two beloved characters, "Tony DiNozzo" and "Ziva David," after a decade-long wait.

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The upcoming spin-off, tentatively titled 'NCIS: Europe,' has been ordered by Paramount+. The series is penned by John McNamara (61) and produced by actors Michael Weatherly (55) and Coté de Pablo (44), along with McNamara himself.

This is what will happen in the 'NCIS' spin-off

According to 'Deadline,' the series will present "Tony" and "Ziva" in an entirely new scenario: on the run across Europe. Following the events on 'NCIS,' the two former agents reside in Europe with their daughter "Tali". However, they encounter a new threat when "Tony's" security company comes under attack.

The return of "Tony" and "Ziva" marks a significant milestone for the NCIS franchise, serving as a tribute to the dedicated fans who have eagerly awaited the revival of "Tiva" for years.

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Michael Weatherly has recently sparked speculation about a potential return to his iconic role. He made a brief appearance in the current 'NCIS' season, notably in an episode dedicated to "Ducky." Additionally, Coté de Pablo reprised her role for several episodes a few years ago.

However, "Tony" and "Ziva" are not the only characters receiving a spin-off. A series delving into "Gibbs'" past is also in development.

'NCIS: Europe' is set to begin filming in 2024, with ten episodes slated for production for Paramount+.