• Stage to screen hits also come from the UK
  • London's West End theatre is world famous
  • Watch our video on West End to Big Screen adaptations!

Let's start with one of the world's favourite stage-to-screen productions: Mamma Mia. This 2008 ABBA-inspired movie musical starring Meryl Streep and Amanda Seyfried was an instant success and was based on the 1999 West End production of the same name.

Did You Know? Mamma Mia Came From The West End

The juke-box musical Mamma Mia was taken on the road and was an international success playing in over 50 countries. It then hit the big screen and was a huge success, even spawning a hit film sequel.

From The West End To The Big Screen

Also interesting:

'Mamma Mia!' Quiz

What did you score?

Which pop group's songs is 'Mamma Mia!' based off of?

Watch the video to see more West End to Big Screen adaptations!