The end of last week's show left us with Hannah summoning both Luke's to a room to talk things out. With things not going very well and then going straight to a rose ceremony, Luke S. decided to send himself home and avoid humiliation (even though he was going to get a rose in the end...) Other men that were sent home were John Paul Jones (sigh) and Matteo. 

Going to Inverness, Scotland

Hannah announces to her remaining men that they are heading on a plane to Inverness, Scotland! The guys check into a castle and head out for some beers while Hannah hopes that this new week in Scotland will be able to give everyone a fresh start. Mike gets the first 1-on-1 date and the pair stroll around a little foreign town where they go into an old bookshop and Mike reads Hannah some poetry. Classic. Mike shares some intimate feelings with Hannah over dinner and he gets the first rose of the week. 

Group Date Highland Games

It's group date time! Tyler, Devin, Dylan, Jed, Grant, Connor, Dustin, Peter, Kevin and Garrett all meet Hannah outside for what they call the Celtic Highland Games. The guys get to try their hand at ax throwing, carrying buckets of milk and well throwing each other to the ground in no-underwear wrestling! It is Jed who wins the games and also the group date rose. 

Frustration with Luke P.

Luke P. was the lucky recipient of the second 1-on-1 date in Scotland and yikes was it ever a cringe date to witness. Hannah gets incredibly frustrated with Luke because of his lack of emotion and genuine conversation. She is well aware that all the other guys hate Luke P. and thinks that Luke says what people want to hear. Basically there is plenty of back and forth between Hannah and Luke and ultimately Hannah says she can't give Luke the rose. Cut to "Next week on The Bachelorette" and we see that Luke is unfortunately still in the picture. Until next week... Stay tuned! 

Too early for "I love you's"

'The Bachelorette': Week 2 Recap