The shooting was immediately ruled an accident, but as time has gone on, many questions of negligence and breach of safety protocols have been raised. Baldwin, who is also a producer in the film has been at the center of many critiques after he revealed how the shooting took place during his first televised interview last year, after the incident. Baldwin claimed that he was told the gun was "cold", meaning there were no live rounds in it, and he only pulled the hammer of the gun back to rehearse for the upcoming scene.

Baldwin claims that when he let the hammer go, the gun fired, even though he never physically pulled the trigger. Leading him to believe there was negligence on the set regarding gun safety. Although many firearms consultants who work in Hollywood have been quick to point out that actors are supposed to do the final gun check themselves to make absolutely certain the weapon is safe to use. On top of that, gun experts around the world were quick to point out that this couldn't possibly have happened because the only way to fire a gun is to engage the trigger. This has led to much speculation surrounding a criminal investigation of Baldwin, and now authorities want to get their hands on another piece of potential evidence...

Police Want To Seize Alec Baldwin's Phone!

Police Want To Seize Alec Baldwin's Phone!

The Sheriff's office in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where the shooting took place, has requested the help of authorities in New York, where Baldwin lives, to seize Baldwin's cell phone as part of the investigation into potential criminal negligence. As a producer, Baldwin has a higher liability, and authorities believe his cell phone will hold more clues as to what really happened that day. However, for many, the fact that his cell phone wasn't immediately seized and investigated, but instead is being requested weeks after the incident, brings up even more questions as to the integrity of the investigation. 

Up until this point, there has been no confirmation of Baldwin participating with authorities in this regard. And this is just another blow for Baldwin who is already mounting a defense after he and several other crew members and producers were named in a lawsuit alleging criminal negligence on the set which directly led to Hutchins' untimely death.

And so, it looks like this story will continue to be the nightmare that keeps on giving!