The Queen (95) recently took action regarding the scandal surrounding Prince Andrew (61) and stripped him of many titles and patronages. Andrew is accused of sexually abusing a woman who was underage at the time in connection with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. One of his offices, which the Prince will have to do without from now on, is the position of Colonel in the Grenadier Guards. This was taken over by Queen Elizabeth II at short notice, but now it is to be reassigned. 

Duchess Kate new role with the Grenadier Guards? 

It appears that Duchess Kate (40), who almost didn't get her royal title, is a very popular contender for a new role. As a senior member of the Grenadier Guards told The Times, there was a poll among the Guards: "From straw polling through the ranks, they would all love it to be Kate." But why Duchess Kate? She didn't serve in the military herself.

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The insider explains further, "We all admire the way she has fitted in and behaved, she never seems to put a foot wrong," the source further reveals. 

In a few days, it will be announced whether Duchess Kate will take over the post as requested. It would be a special honor for Kate, who would only be the second woman to serve as a colonel in the regiments 366-year history. 

Before her, Queen Elizabeth II, then still a princess, was allowed to take on this honor. Prince Philip also held the position, and Prince Andrew was only allowed to do so when he retired from active service for the royal family.