Her Majesty has just held her first face-to-face meeting at Windsor Castle for the first time in more than a year!

The Queen's Windsor Meeting

The Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison is the lucky first guest to have a face-to-face meeting with Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor in over a year! The Monarch was all smiles while returning to her in-person hosting duties.

Since March of 2020, she has been holding audiences at Windsor virtually or via phone calls since the world went into lockdown. The Royal family has been very protective of their Queen and breathed a sigh of relief when she became vaccinated

Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Along with her enlightening smile, she wore a yellow and blue floral dress while the vaccinated parties met. According to The Sydney Morning Herald what was discussed was not released as Her Majesty hopes to avoid compromising her political neutrality.

The incredibly personable Queen clearly loved being able to host in-person once again. She also hosted US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden for evening tea following the G7 Summit where she made a hilarious joke that sent the world leaders into uncontrollable laughter

How Well Did You Know Her Majesty?

What year did Queen Elizabeth II take the throne?