• Queen Elizabeth II suffers from mobility issues
  • There is one specific event she hopes to attend
  • Accommodations would be made for the royal

Queen Elizabeth II may have had to scale back her public appearances as of late, but there's one specific event she's hoping not to miss! The Daily Mail has shared that the 96-year-old royal plans to be at the Epsom Derby, and while the event isn't until June, possible accommodations for her are already being looked into.

The queen "absolutely determined to attend" Epsom Derby

Queen Elizabeth II has been present at major royal events for years, but it was recently reported that her appearances will no longer be announced ahead of time due to her health. Despite this fact though, an insider says the royal is "absolutely determined to attend" the upcoming horse race— especially since she has personal stake in it. That's because while the queen has won the four other races considered "Classics," she has never managed to win the Epsom Derby.

Given how important the event is to the royal, it's no surprise the staff are "moving heaven and earth" for her! One of the changes that could reportedly be made for the queen is an adjustment to the travel route at the venue. Staff are said to be making it so the royal's car would be more easily accessible to her right from her stand, rather than making her walk a long distance to get into the vehicle.

Also interesting:

Seeing as the queen is no longer even able to walk her beloved corgis, the less walking she would have to do at the Epsom Derby, the better. The prestigious race will take place on June 4, and is part of the official celebrations for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, which will be taking place over the next few months. Hopefully things fall into place so Queen Elizabeth II can be in attendance just as she hopes— and perhaps even win!