Tom Cruise in "Top Gun"

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Prince George will be ringing in his birthday with a fun-filled family tropical getaway! According to The Sun, the Cambridge's will be travelling to the private Caribbean Island of Mustique to celebrate Prince George's 6th birthday.

Tropical family getaway

Duchess Catherine and Prince William will be taking their three children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis on a sunny family getaway and we can't wait to see the pictures released in honour of George's birthday. Stay tuned for those.

Royal connection to Caribbean Island

The royal family has a special connection to this private Caribbean Island of Mustique. Queen Elizabeth II's sister, Princess Margaret, found the island to be a tropical haven when her marriage to Anthony Armstrong-Jones went rocky in the 1970's. She had been given 10 acres of the island by the owner, Colin Tennant, where she built a beautiful vacation home. 

Royal family vacation spot

Several members of the royal family have been frequenting this beautiful Island for years including the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge who love to take little getaways as the island offers more privacy than they can get anywhere else. They have even brought along Kate's family, the Middleton's once or twice!

We hope that they have a fabulous time this weekend celebrating the little Prince's sixth birthday in style!