Some would have thought that Michael Weatherly's Bull would not be renewed due to Eliza Dushku's harassment allegations against the former NCIS star, however, CBS announced that the television show will actually continue. The fourth season of the show will start on September 23rd, this year. 

Audiences still watch Bull, despite harassment allegations against Weatherly

CBS Entertainment chief, Kelly Kahl, addressed the controversy in which both actors are involved and said that Weatherly was "remorseful and apologetic" after Dushku's harassment claims; he also explained that Michael is going through leadership coaching in order to get help on how to set a positive example for everybody: "he is taking his responsibility as the head of the show to make it a positive place to work." 

It seems like the CBS president is fully aware of Bull's popularity, which is the main reason why the show will continue; according to him, more than 10 million people watch it every week. "Michael is loved by our audience, even after these allegations came out, people continued to watch."

What happened between Eliza Dushku and NCIS star Michael Weatherly?

In 2018 Eliza Dushku stated that she was not feeling comfortable on the set of Bull due to Weatherly's innapropriate behavior, reporting different situations where Weatherly allegedly joked about sexual situations involving her. After filing formal complaints she was written off the show and CBS paid her 9.5 million dollars to settle the sexual harassment claims she made against Weatherly.

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