• Princess Charlotte and Prince George attend the same school 
  • Prince Louis will get a different school education
  • What's behind it?

Thomas's Battersea is a private prep school in London. Among its most famous students are the children of Prince William and Duchess Kate. Prince George, 8, started there in 2017. His sister Princess Charlotte, 7, followed two years later. But little Prince Louis, 4, will not attend the same school as his siblings.

Because of the move: Prince Louis will attend this school

It was recently announced that William and Kate plan to move this summer. The family of five is leaving Kensington Palace in London to instead live near Windsor Castle in Berkshire. Prince George and Princess Charlotte will then leave Thomas's Battersea at the end of the school year and switch to a school near Windsor.

For Prince Louis, the move means he won't be enrolled in London's private school like his big brother and sister. William and Kate's youngest will instead attend a rural primary school from the start. It is said to be the Independent Preparatory School in Lambrook near Ascot, as Express reports. 

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That's why Prince William and Duchess Kate want to move 

The royals are thought to have several reasons for wanting to leave London for the time being. Duchess Kate and Prince William want to be closer to Queen Elizabeth II, whose main residence is no longer Buckingham Palace. Kate's family is also closer to the new residence – her parents live in a place called Bucklebury, just a 45 minute drive from Berkshire.

Another benefit of moving is the privacy that country life offers as opposed to the city. Prince George, Prince Charlotte and Prince Louis should be able to grow up more carefree in Windsor. Professionally, Kensington Palace will remain the most important place for Prince William and Duchess Kate. Their press office will remain in the English capital.